Evidence-Based CORS Misconfiguration Scanner

Scan For CORS Misconfiguration Vulnerabilities

Blazing Fast Scans
Advanced, Dynamically-Generated Payloads
Scan for CORS Misconfigurations
CORSCANNER Product Image

Evidence-Based CORS Misconfigurations Scanning At Scale

With dynamically-generated payloads!

Simulate Penetration Tester's Behaviour

Perform an automated series of effective tests to identify, exploit and verify a CORS Misconfiguration vulnerability.

Blazing Fast

Scan multiple URLs concurrently with our multi-threaded scanners.

False-Positive Free

Our integrated <span className='text-indigo-600'>Validator Engine</span> drops false-positive rates to 0%.

Advanced Payload Set

All payloads are dynamically-generated for each target with the aim to take advantage of browser-specific quirks and evade strict patterns and WAF rules.

Detailed Reports

Receive detailed reports with actionable steps. Even for edge-cases requiring multiple steps from the end-user.

Instant Notifications

Receive instant notifications once an open redirect vulnerability is discovered. Regardless of the scans' progress status.



Frequently asked questions

CORSCANNER is an advanced tool designed to identify Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) misconfiguration vulnerabilities.

CORSCANNER is capable of determining the exploitability of a flagged CORS Misconfiguration vulnerability. While some targets may be technically vulnerable to CORS misconfigurations, not all vulnerabilities are practically exploitable (due to browser security settings). This indicator helps distinguish between theoretical vulnerabilities and those that pose a real-world risk.

Yes, you can manually supply multiple URLs at the same time.

Additionally, you can also initiate a Deep Scan and automate the whole process from content discovery to scanning for CWE-942!

Yes it is! You can easily supply request headers (including any authentication headers) to reach parts behind a login form!

Try Scan for CORS Misconfigurations